name: ai
sign: pisces ♓︎
prns: she/her
age: 19

likes: sleeping, writing, reading, daydreaming, movies, tv, my puppy, online shopping, video games, web design, sports, nature
dislikes: pickles.

i am a constantly grumpy sweetie pie....i have nothing interesting to say and i am in a constant state of negativity.... anyways i hope you enjoy the following movies, i'll update the list whenever i watch something...
current reads valley of the dolls, berlin, yellowface, lapvona, for you and only you, birdman/the treatment
2023 desert places, the sluts, tender is the flesh, only ever yours, you've lost a lot of blood
2022 we had to remove this post, hidden bodies, you

dystopian favorites, ranked.

this will have content someday.