name: ai
sign: pisces ♓︎
prns: she/her
age: 19

likes: sleeping, writing, reading, daydreaming, movies, tv, my puppy, online shopping, video games, web design, sports, nature
dislikes: pickles.

i am a constantly grumpy sweetie pie....i have nothing interesting to say and i am in a constant state of negativity.... anyways i hope you enjoy the following movies, i'll update the list whenever i watch something...
current reads i'll be gone in the dark, all the lovers in the night, y/n
2023 sharp objects, gone girl,
2022 things have gotten worse since we last spoke
2021 diary of an oxygen thief
2019 the stranger, the myth of sisyphus, lord of the flies, 1984, animal farm

profound favorites, ranked.

this will have content someday.