my name is ai! not a-i, but ai like eye. i'm a twenty year old woman attempting to craft her blog into something she somewhat likes.
i'm an anthropology and museum studies double major, somewhat wanting to do linguistic anthro or art conservation/restoration. i'm also prelaw because why not lol
i'm a pisces, born in 2004, year of the monkey, an infj, choleric temperament, and a type 6. i like doing little identity tests as a measure to help others understand me (to a degree).
i hold a great love for most things in history, rewatching my favorite movies and tv shows, online shopping, taking naps, and watching video essays. this blog used to have a section for my recipes, and hopefully will be revived soon!
i don't have much of a bio due to not really . . . knowing what all to say here.
please keep in mind that this is a personal blog. if you disagree with anything displayed on this site, feel free to disengage. there will likely never be chatboxes or guestbooks, but i will work on a means to reach out for any interested.